
Gordon Mackenzie CEng MICE
Managing Director

Gordon has been a chartered engineer for 28 years, and has over 30 years’ experience in the field of geotechnical engineering. Having worked for several large consultancies, Gordon started Geoman Ltd. in 2005. The company’s aim is to provide sound geotechnical advice, tailored to meet the needs and expectations of all our clients in a professional and friendly atmosphere.

William Morrow CEng MIEI
Technical Director

William joined Geoman as a design engineer in 2009. He has experience designing substantial retaining structures, earthworks and sustainable urban drainage systems. His roles include the composition of final design documents and drawings for submission to clients, and site visits to inspect soil conditions and design feasibility. William gained the title of Chartered Engineer in January 2014.

Andrew McKinstry CEng MIEI
Technical Director

Andrew started working with Geoman in 2010 as a design engineer. He has gained geotechnical experience on a variety of projects, ranging from the design of various retaining structures and soil nailed slopes to reinforced earth piled embankments and wind farm access roads floated over peat. Andrew has also been involved in delivering schemes through technical and geotechnical approval with local authorities.

Adam Ewart CEng MICE
Technical Manager

Adam is a Chartered Engineer with the ICE. He began as a Placement Engineer at Geoman in 2015, later becoming a permanent team member in 2018 after earning his MEng from Queen’s University Belfast. He gained chartered status in 2024 and completed the NEBOSH Health and Safety Management for Construction (UK) Certificate. Adam has published research on ground improvement techniques and returned to Queen’s in 2019 as a Stage 4 Design Advisor, providing specialist guidance to undergraduates.

David McGall
Technical Manager

David joined Geoman at the start of 2019 as a designer engineer. He has experience designing various retaining structures, including reinforced earth utilising site-won backfill to reduce imported material and costs. David’s primary role is delivering schemes including roads and highway structures through geotechnical certification and technical approval with local authorities.

Magdalena Kluj
Chartered Engineering Geologist

Magdalena Kluj is a Chartered Geologist with over 9 years of experience in engineering geology and geotechnical engineering. Since joining Geoman in November 2021, Magdalena has applied a deep understanding of geological principles to a variety of complex projects, helping to deliver innovative and sustainable engineering solutions. With a strong focus on ground investigations, geotechnical analysis, and risk assessments, Magdalena is committed to ensuring that every project meets the highest standards of safety and environmental responsibility.

Ramón Cabrera
Senior Design Engineer (External Consultant)

Sarah Tumelty
Senior Design Engineer

Adam Cash
Senior Design Engineer

Aaron Deeney
Graduate Design Engineer

Dylan Cleary
Graduate Design Engineer

Jesús Troyas
Graduate Design Engineer (External Consultant)

David Tennant
Graduate Design Engineer

Tegan Deery
Graduate Design Engineer

Sean Boyle
Engineering Technician

Lauren Moriarty
Office Administrator

Alison McLaughlin
Company Accountant

Seimi Breslin
Placement Engineer

Nilo Pereira Cavalcanti
Placement Engineer

Aimee Hill
Placement Engineer